An In-Depth Look At An Anoscopy Procedure

It never pays to wait out a medical problem — and that includes issues in your lower gastrointestinal tract. If you’re feeling pain or discomfort in your digestive system, it’s best to consult with a GI specialist.

A GI specialist can help diagnose and treat problems with the gastrointestinal tract. One method they can use to determine your condition is an anoscopy. Let’s take a look at what this procedure involves.

What Is An Anoscopy?

An anoscopy is a simple medical procedure that can help your GI specialist identify the cause of problems in your lower GI tract. During an anoscopy, your GI specialist examines the lining of your anus using an anoscope.

Your doctor will insert the anoscope a few inches into the rectum. The scope often has a magnifier and light to allow the gastroenterologist to have a better view of the rectum’s inner lining. An anoscopy lasts anywhere around 10 to 30 minutes.

What To Expect When Undergoing An Anoscopy?

Just like any other procedure, there are things to consider before getting an anoscopy. Here are some things you can expect:


Unlike a colonoscopy, you won’t have to undergo a bowel prep before your anoscopy. However, your GI specialist may advise you to empty your bladder and bowel beforehand. Doing these will make the process more comfortable.


Your GI specialist will lubricate the anoscope before inserting it into the rectum. This part of the procedure might feel a little awkward or uncomfortable. However, patients usually don’t feel any pain. You might feel pressure during the procedure, but that’s normal.


After the procedure, you might feel mild soreness, but it won’t affect your activities for the rest of the day. You can resume regular activities after your anoscopy. All that’s left for you to do is wait for your GI specialist to analyze your results.

What An Anoscopy Can Detect

An anoscopy is an applicable diagnostic procedure for many gastrointestinal problems. Through an anoscopy, your GI specialist can find abnormalities in your rectum or anus area. Here are some common issues that an anoscopy can detect:


An abscess is a collection of pus that swells. Abscesses can show up at any place in your body. These are usually an indication of a health condition, such as:

  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Infection of a tear in the tissue
  • Sexually transmitted infections

Abscesses need to be drained of pus to heal. You will also have to take antibiotics to prevent complications and infection.


Hemorrhoids are swollen veins that form in the lower rectum or around the anus. These can be painful, but they aren’t life-threatening. Some of the common causes of hemorrhoids include:

  • Straining during bowel movements
  • Constipation and diarrhea
  • Sitting on the toilet for a long time
  • Genetics or family history

Hemorrhoids usually go away on their own without treatment. However, if you’ve noticed bleeding or black bowels, you should see a GI specialist immediately.

Anal Fissures

Anal fissures are small tears in the tissue of the anus. Anal fissures can be one of two kinds:

  • Acute anal fissure – a small fresh tear in the tissue of the anus
  • Chronic anal fissure – a deep tear that may affect surrounding areas

Anal fissures often occur when there’s difficulty passing large or hard stools. It can also be caused by:

  • Straining during bowel movements
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
  • Decreased blood flow in the anal area
  • Sexually transmitted infections

Most cases of anal fissures go away on their own within four to six weeks. However, if it lasts more than eight weeks, the condition is considered chronic. GI specialists can recommend using stool softeners or topical pain relievers to ease the discomfort caused by anal fissures.


A colon polyp is a small clump of cells that forms on the colon lining. Most cases of polyps are harmless; however, if left untreated, they can develop into colon cancer.

Here are some of the factors that may contribute to the formation of polyps in your colon:

  • Family history
  • Excessive use of tobacco or alcohol consumption
  • Obesity and inactivity
  • Old age

It’s critical to remove polyps as early as possible to prevent the development of cancer and other serious complications.

Consult With A GI Specialist In Southern California

Prevention is always better than cure. It’s essential to know the things that are happening in your body as early as possible. If you’re experiencing problems with your digestive system, don’t delay – make an appointment with a GI specialist.

At Genensis Healthcare Partners, we are ready to help you achieve optimal gastrointestinal health. Our organization is composed of experts who’ll give you the medical treatments you need and deserve. We combine advanced technology and expert knowledge to make a treatment plan that caters to your needs.

If you want to know more about our services, you can contact our location nearest to you. You can schedule an appointment by calling the inSite provider of your choice or using our secure online appointment request form.

We look forward to helping you fix your GI concerns!