What to Expect in an Anoscopy Exam?

An anoscopy is a medical procedure that allows your doctor to examine the inside of the anal canal. This can be done for diagnostic purposes, to check for the presence of abnormal cells in the anal canal. An anoscopy procedure may be recommended for someone who is experiencing rectal bleeding, anal pain, or other issues in the anal region, or who has abnormal results from a Pap test. This procedure allows the doctor to get a closer look at the anus and surrounding area to determine what may be causing the symptoms and recommend the appropriate treatment.

What Can an Anoscopy Diagnose?

An anoscopy procedure can diagnose a variety of conditions related to the anus and rectum, including hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse, anal fissures, and colorectal cancer. If you are experiencing symptoms related to the anus and/or rectum, you will likely need to see a GI specialist. There are a variety of diagnostic tests that GI specialists use, among which is the anoscopy procedure. Based on your symptoms, your doctor may recommend this test or another one, as appropriate.

What Happens During an Anoscopy? What Can I Expect?

An anoscopy is a medical procedure in which a doctor inserts a small, lighted, tube-like instrument called an anoscope into the anus to examine the rectum and anal canal. The anoscope is lubricated for patient comfort. Once it is in place, the doctor can look for abnormalities, such as hemorrhoids or polyps. Your doctor will be able to take tissue samples for a biopsy, if necessary. The doctor may also use a lubricated and gloved finger to examine the anus and rectum. Anoscopy is generally well tolerated and causes minimal discomfort. It is completed in as little as 30 minutes.

Why Would A Doctor Recommend an Anoscopy Instead of a Colonoscopy?

You may be wondering why a doctor would recommend an anoscopy instead of a colonoscopy. One reason is that an anoscopy procedure is less invasive and can be done in a shorter amount of time, as it only entails the examination of the anal canal and lower part of the rectum – not the entire colon. Additionally, the anoscopy procedure does not require the use of anesthesia. Unlike a colonoscopy, there is little preparation needed for an anoscopy. It is a great way to get a diagnosis for patients with symptoms related to the rectum and anal canal.

Anoscopy in California

Genensis Healthcare Partners Health Care offers state-of-the-art diagnostic tools to investigate a wide range of gastrointestinal conditions. Our board-certified gastroenterologists are highly experienced in anoscopy, colonoscopy, and flexible sigmoidoscopy. We will help you choose the appropriate treatment for your condition and improve your quality of life through our personalized treatment recommendations and comprehensive gastrointestinal (GI) care.

If you have any questions about anoscopy, we are more than happy to assist you. You can give us a call to schedule an appointment with one of our gastroenterologists. We have several locations spread out across California – please choose our GI clinic nearest you or use our convenient online appointment request form.